Stress Grinder is the place where you can get rid of stress 🎉

Welcome, user . This website will help you to receive comic's snippets to lighten your stress. Click on the button below to login to your account 👇


Stress Grinder has got what you need!

In this era of competitive marketing where the companies are only focussing on their benefits, this website looks after your stress management.

  • PHP
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap Studio
  • JavaScript
How it works

What the website offers

Hosted Website

Simply log into the account and then subscribe to the e-newsletter

Comic email

After every 5 minutes a comic snippet will be delivered in the inbox

How it helps

You will definitely have a giggle after going through the email


I hope few emails will do their job so it's time to UNSUBSCRIBE if you want

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start using this project? That's great! Give me a call or send me an email if you are facing any problem!

Made and maintained by Vishal Vats © 2022